“All things come from you, O Lord, and of your own do we give you.” (1 Chronicles 29.14)
This is part of King David’s prayer at the consecration of the Temple in Jerusalem, and remind us that we have nothing of our own. We only have what God has given us. In response to God’s gracious generosity Christians are called to give towards his mission in the world.
Donations are vital to maintain the building, pay the Rector and support all we do to share God's love week by week, and year by year. Please consider how you can help us.

If you want to donate regularly to St Stephen's then please sign up to the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS). You can sign up online, or by downloading, completing, and posting off the form, which also has a brief introduction to the scheme.
To sign up by phone, call the dedicated sign-up line on 0333 002 1271. You will need your personal bank account details and the PGS code for St Stephen: 370637119

If you want to make a one-off donation online then use the link below.
Thank You! More than £700 has been raised on easyfundraising for St Stephen's so far.

If you are an online shopper then you can support St Stephen's Church by registering with easyfundraising, and then doing your shopping through that site. We will earn a bit of money without it costing you a penny extra!

If you search the internet then you can support St Stephen's Church by searching through our easysearch page. We will earn a bit of money every time you use it to search without it costing you anything!

We have Christmas Cards available at £3 for 5 cards with envelopes.
Just contact the Rectory to order.
You can also order a variety of gifts such as T-shirts, mugs, and other card designs from our Redbubble shop.